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·380 words·2 mins
Source Type Category Difficulty
Cyberdefenders Lab Malware analysis Easy


Your cybersecurity team has been alerted to suspicious activity on your organization’s network. Several employees reported unusual behavior in their browsers after installing what they believed to be a helpful browser extension named “ChatGPT”. However, strange things started happening: accounts were being compromised, and sensitive information appeared to be leaking.

Your task is to perform a thorough analysis of this extension identify its malicious components 🚀.

Q1 : Which encoding method does the browser extension use to obscure target URLs, making them more difficult to detect during analysis?

I look at the code provided in the challenge. In the app.js file, I see the targets variable is encoded in Base64.

Q2 : Which website does the extension monitor for data theft, targeting user accounts to steal sensitive information?

echo "d3d3LmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbQ==" | base64 -d 

Q3 : Which type of HTML element is utilized by the extension to send stolen data?

In the sendtoServer function, I see the encrytped data is send using the img element.


Q4 : What is the first specific condition in the code that triggers the extension to deactivate itself?

In the loader.js file, I see the comment of the developper that this code will nto execute if it is in a virtual environnement. The first condition is navigator.plugins.length === 0


Q5 : Which event does the extension capture to track user input submitted through forms?

THe submit event is captured using document.addEventListener('submit', function(event)

Q6 : Which API or method does the extension use to capture and monitor user keystrokes?

keydown in document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event)

Q7 : What is the domain where the extension transmits the exfiltrated data?

The domain Mo.Elshaheedy[.]com, found in this function


Q8 : Which function in the code is used to exfiltrate user credentials, including the username and password?

function exfiltrateCredentials(username, password)

Q9 : Which encryption algorithm is applied to secure the data before sending?

I find this info in the encryptPayload function


Q10 : What does the extension access to store or manipulate session-related data and authentication information? #

I find this info in manifest.json file : the malware needs to access cookies

"permissions": [
    "cookies" ]